Master’s Thesis
Topic registration
You must register your thesis topic at least one semester in advance (for the exact deadline please see the academic calendar). You must consult the topic with potential supervisor before registering.
Length of the thesis
The length of a Master's thesis is 126,000 – 198,000 characters, including spaces (70–110 standard pages). The character count includes footnotes but excludes the title page, declaration, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of abbreviations, appendices, and bibliography.
Required components of the thesis:
- Title page with the name of the university, faculty and program, title of the thesis, type of the thesis (Master’s), name of the author, their UČO, and place and year of completion;
- Declaration of originality (authorship);
- The cover of the printed version must include the name of the university and faculty, type of the thesis (Master’s), name of the author, and place and year of completion;
- Table of contents
- Total number of characters (the character count includes spaces, footnotes but excludes the title page, declaration, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of abbreviations, appendices, and bibliography);
- Main text of the thesis;
- Bibliography;
- Annotation and keywords (must be submitted to the IS as well).
- Please use the University template (the first page must follow the template exactly, others may loosely).
A thesis may include acknowledgements with thanks to the supervisor and/or other people.
- Format: A4, double sided printing is allowed,
- Font size: 12 in text, 11 in notes,
- Spacing: 1,5 in text, 1 in notes,
- Notes: Footnotes or endnotes at the end of each chapter or the whole text; notes must be numbered in Arabic numerals.
- Figures, tables, and pictures: all must be numbered and referenced; they may be included directly in the text or in an appendix.
- All pages must be numbered.
- Students are required to uphold academic honesty rules. For the expected citation style see the Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date Quick Guide. Plagiarism and other breaches of academic integrity will not be tolerated.
- The bibliography comes at the end of the thesis and must be sorted alphabetically. Sources without an author are sorted according to the first letter of their title. Titles in foreign languages are not translated. Titles written in a non-Latin script should be transliterated into Latin script.
Submitting the thesis
Students must enroll in the course “Diploma seminar” in the semester when they plan to defend their thesis. The Diploma seminar must be successfully completed before the thesis defense. Requirements for completing the course are set by the supervisor – typically, students must submit a rough draft of the thesis. Students submit the final text of the thesis in two identical versions:
- An electronic version uploaded into the Archive of Theses/Dissertations in the IS, and
- A printed version submitted to the department (one hard copy).